Tuesday 5 March 2013

Literary Knowledge and some blogs I have

I believe that I'am not a well knowledge writer that's why I'am telling you readers "don't expect  too much well versed sentences, Expect some grammatically errors". I also admit i'am not a prolific blogger who post something really interesting that will caught some of the people's attention. I'am just sharing some of my deepest feelings and different emotions. A place where I can pour some of my extra baggage with...
For some of you I have 3 blogs as of now with my weird brain how can i possibly manage 3 blogs to think that i barely post in them
For my daily life musings, foodtrip, travel and whatever visit www.kriscamatutino.com => yeah out of nowhere I bought a domain hahahaha
for something like whatever I post to instagram or a instagram filled blog and a kitchen disaster rantings please visit  krisca.tumblr.com


I've been inactive for the past 1 year. I can say that for the past 1 year i've been really productive than my usual self. I'am always out and busy hanging out with some friends and cousins. Engange into new sports and have some healthy lifestyle. One thing i've noticed is that slowly by slowly as the months is about to end i became a loner i go to the malls alone, dine alone, shop alone, buy stuffs alone, watching movies alone, maybe because my friends were all busy and I'am an irregular student to a new school with a new major. Our schedules didn't collide well and sometimes we don't have the time to hang during weekends because they were all tired from duty.

Sunday 26 February 2012

A Change of Heart

I always dreamed of becoming a surgeon someday. During my senior year in high school my relatives asked me what should I take for college and I was like I don't know which course to choose and they would answer why not take nursing instead it has big opportunities like me who's my Aunt's worked abroad with some connections in the hospital, and most of my Aunt's were nurses. All I can think was whatever happen I will be a doctor, whatever pre-med courses I should take as long as I will be a doctor in the end. So I took up nursing at CPU and failed my chemistry subject my hopes were low and thinking to shift courses instead, maybe nursing is not really for me. But my parents said why transfer school and continue nursing even my Aunt said so, and I was like I can't take it anymore I ask for signs if I will continue nursing nothing came but I did continue my nursing studies at other school. Now I was on my 2nd year still confused whether to pursue it or not, part of me is scared because if I stopped I will disappoint my parents and Aunt's also I would repeat again a year to change course but I don't have the enthusiasm anymore to continue nor inspiration to pursue nursing. I was contemplating whether to pursue it and go straight to med school right after graduation. I never wanted to be a nurse, I never see myself to be a nurse. I was choosing maybe I should take B.S. in Biology as premed but my dad won't allow me, what should I do.

Thursday 8 December 2011

What's happening to me

I seem to be the laziest person in our class. I'm always absent and late. My classmates were dedicated because were section B second highest section in our batch. but I'm lazy t o go to school. It seems that I hate to go to school and do some stuff all I want is to go for duty and the subjects loss my enthusiasms to go to school everyday. All the subject were not that appealing and new to me all seems to be related for what I had during the first semester

Thursday 24 November 2011

My Passion???

The Fuel.ph makes me think what is really my passion is. As an individual I was thinking my Passion is to share the world my talent, skills, ideas and etc.. One thing I know I'm really good at was photography though I don't have the world's best SLR or a SLR, still I capture good photos from my digital camera. Another thing I can express myself Through sports Karate in particular. I enjoy this art and I can defend myself from any harm. Passion for food is on list, eating would be my biggest hobby. Freedom of speech or a voice in a small community would be nicer to do but I have this stage fright disorder. Lastly traveling the world and be an adventurer of God's Creations is what I say my Passion above the rest
Despite the facts that I mentioned above, still I'am confused what I really love to do or what. I have so many things that I'd love to do and so confused about it whether to take a bigger steps and make an action out of it. But maybe a traveler will do as my passion.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Childhoos Dreams

I'am Pretty ambitious when i was a child.
My first dream was to become a SCIENTIST since i like experimenting back then and always wondering how things made up of. I also love reading science fiction books and Albert Einstein was my idol, I'm a bit introvert back then. but these dreams has been shattered when my cousin asked me what my dream is i confidently told him i want to become a scientist then he starts to discouraged me like scientist were boring all they do is study and invent they don't have a social life.
Then after that dream being shattered I told myself i want to be a HISTORIAN, I love history until now, but that was a short-lived dream until i cross my path to Ferdinand Magellan and I want to become a EXPLORER. Explore the world by sea, but that was also a short-lived dream since i was a timid person i know i can't do that. Then on my 6th grade I read an article about Egypt and how rich their culture is. since i love history i want to become a ARCHAEOLOGIST I want to dig tombs and see mummies but i know that here in Iloilo no school offered that kind of course so i changed again i told myself i want to become a CEO of a big empire or own a vast land or a hacienda but i told my self i should strive more and more and i should inherit a fat bank accoount to start. Then on my last year at High School I told myself i will choose my course that enable me to take a masteral I want to become a doctor or a lawyer someday, and now i end up with NURSING and still confuse what i want to be.
some options are interior designer, geographer, anthropologist, athlete, diplomat, foreign services and so on. I really have a weird idea whom i want to be in the future but i was tinking one step at a time...

Me being weird in this blog