Thursday 6 October 2011

Childhoos Dreams

I'am Pretty ambitious when i was a child.
My first dream was to become a SCIENTIST since i like experimenting back then and always wondering how things made up of. I also love reading science fiction books and Albert Einstein was my idol, I'm a bit introvert back then. but these dreams has been shattered when my cousin asked me what my dream is i confidently told him i want to become a scientist then he starts to discouraged me like scientist were boring all they do is study and invent they don't have a social life.
Then after that dream being shattered I told myself i want to be a HISTORIAN, I love history until now, but that was a short-lived dream until i cross my path to Ferdinand Magellan and I want to become a EXPLORER. Explore the world by sea, but that was also a short-lived dream since i was a timid person i know i can't do that. Then on my 6th grade I read an article about Egypt and how rich their culture is. since i love history i want to become a ARCHAEOLOGIST I want to dig tombs and see mummies but i know that here in Iloilo no school offered that kind of course so i changed again i told myself i want to become a CEO of a big empire or own a vast land or a hacienda but i told my self i should strive more and more and i should inherit a fat bank accoount to start. Then on my last year at High School I told myself i will choose my course that enable me to take a masteral I want to become a doctor or a lawyer someday, and now i end up with NURSING and still confuse what i want to be.
some options are interior designer, geographer, anthropologist, athlete, diplomat, foreign services and so on. I really have a weird idea whom i want to be in the future but i was tinking one step at a time...

Me being weird in this blog

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